CCN TV6 ライブストリーム

CCN TV6 ライブストリーム

TVチャンネル:CCN TV6

国名: トリニダード・トバゴ

カテゴリー: 公共テレビ

2.6 の 5

5 票

CCN TV6 ストリーミング・ライブを見る

The Caribbean Communications Network Television 6 (CCN TV6) is the largest private television broadcaster in Trinidad and Tobago. The station operates an analog composite NTSC 525 television system, broadcasting on channels 6 and 18 in the island of Trinidad, channel 5 on the Flow Cable System and channel 19 in Tobago. The station's studios are located at 35-37 Independence Square, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
