RTV 21 M ライブストリーム

TVチャンネル:RTV 21 M

国名: マケドニア

カテゴリー: ニュース

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RTV 21 M ストリーミング・ライブを見る

Founded as Radio 21 by Afërdita Saraçini and her husband, Florin Kelmendi, this transmission was a 30-minute news program about the events in Kosovo during the 1998-1999 war. Radio 21 reported from Skopje temporarily during the NATO bombing (March–June 1999) because its staff was expelled by Serbs from Kosovo.[citation needed] After the war began the revival of this broadcaster and with the help of donations from abroad the company also launched the national TV channel TV21. In 2000 the station was licensed nationally and broadcast two hours of programming daily, which was increased to 18 hours in 2001. Since 2002, the transmitter emits a 24-hour full program that consists of 70 percent of in-house productions.


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  • Алфа ТВ е приватна национална телевизиска станица, која започна да емитува на македонски јазик на трети јуни 2008 година во Скопје и во посредство на сателит во цела Европа,

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  • Телевизија Сонце е во сопственост на г-дин Ѓорѓија Џорџ Атанасоски, кој покрај неделникот Македонско Сонце, во 2008 ја отвора независната Телевизија Сонце. Телевизија Сонце

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